Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The beginning of the end.

As the last hot summer months passed by you, slipping through your fingertips, the last week of camp creeps up on you like rain on sunshine.This is it.The end- 
of summer. 
 You go to the amphitheater, which has a breath taking view of the Mediterranean. 
A nice place to think. "I have arrived at my peace.  At my solitude." 

 You take it all in. You realize your camera is in reach. You take one last picture. "Snap Snap" The view is like a work of art. A beautiful work of art that has been created for us to treasure. 
           "Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space. its unique existence at the place where it happens to be" (Benjamin 220)

 You are blessed to be here. 100% blessed.

You will never have this moment back. You will never be as young as you are now, here in the midst of the French Riviera, hanging out with your new friends, drowning in the midst of the culture. Submerge yourself in it. Let it consume you. Let it be a part of you




And your friends. Friends from all over the world

People "you wish you could take with you on" on your path in life." Yes, there is facebook, IM, and email... but will those interactions replace this moment here? Breathing this air? 

You begin to think about the reason why you are here.
You were --->pushed<--- to come here. 
Mom & Dad. 
From the moment they told you they were planning this adventure you were petrified. 
Silly you.

           A lot of moments alone. Lots of time to think. 

                            The meaning of life?

They know the importance of cultural experiences like this: to T R A V E L.
Thank God for the parentals, thank God for this experience, and thank God for AirFrance. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


You've already been in the camp for a month. Your french is almost perfect.
When you go down to the city, your can interact with the people and buy groceries. You get a r o u n d.

One hot summer day after a L O N G dreary class, you and your friends decide to go down to the beach for the day. A wondrous place for you. You back a picnic, iPod Speakers, and you're good to go. 

You begin to go down the stairs of Doom. The ones your dread with all your heart, because you know you have to come back up on them at the end of the day. You feel the sun. It covers you like an itchy sweater. 
                               Perfect day for the beach

You finally make it down, and as you cross the street you can see the natural infinity. The ocean becomes your horizon. 

You all set camp, rub on some sunscreen, and immediately head to the beach. They begin to talk of a cave over by a piece of the mountain that closes of the beach. 
                                        Lets explore it

Doesn't look too far. But can you make it? So many things run through your head: dangerous marine life? drowning? ugh.
                But, "It's so peaceful. So rhythmic. So frothy. So wondrous. So inviting...If I know that the water is unsafe, why am I so intrigued by it?" 

So, you channel your inner Marlow (Heart of Darkness) and lose your fear. You all begin to swim toward the cave. The water is warm, and your swimming abilities have made you more than capable for this. 
 You swim
                      and swim
                and swim
                                                                          and swim

You finally reach the rocks. The cave is beautiful. You can see the beach where the your things are. You feel so far away, in a different world. Here, you are invincible. The boys have wrapped shirts around their heads, and the girls have their hair up in big buns. They are all dancing and laughing.
You take in the scene, you see them jumping around merrily.

At that moment, you are all savages.